Tech, Repairs, Upgrades > Aftermarket

New owner questions - 1991 XR2 Turbo

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I just bought a Capri XR2 Turbo in Orlando, Florida.  I saw one last year and liked it.   A better one became available this year at what may be a fair price.  I got the thing from a used car guy.   He changed his story so many times in 4 days that I could not believe a thing he said.  I bought it just because I like the car and most things on it seem to work well.  It is fun to drive, but you all know that.  I bought it to drive every day.  It is my mid-life crisis car.


1. What are the best places to get electric mirror switches, hydrolic trunk lifts, lights and such?

2. The soft roof is new but leaks a little where it joins the windshield and triangular windows.  Is leakage there common?  Is there a common fix for that?  Is there a custom cover available to put over just the roof?

3. Are there any clubs around Central Florida?

Stuff that works well:
Lights and motors
New Roof
New tires
Seat controls
Power windows
Turbo - 8 PSI

Thanks for your input!

Welcome to the forum!!  feel free to browse around, and ask as many questions as you like - we will all do our best to help ya out!

Parts:  Best place for parts = ME!!  I have a large amount of parts cars, and regularly strip them down for members cars. Shoot mean email with exactly what you need, and an offer, and I'll see what I can do for you!

Clubs: None that I am aware of, however, there is a meet every spring in Florida.  I'll try to get more info for you!

Leaks: Yes, it's commen!! Howver, you can adjust the triangular windows by removing the door panels, and adjusting the screw inside the oval shaped washer-type-thing.  I'll try to post some pics for you, so you know exactly what I'm talking about!!

Again, welcome to the forum, and enjoy your stay!!


hello and welcome. Would love to see a pic of your car when you get a chance.


To CapriTypeR,

Thanks for the greeting and the tip on the window adjustment.  I will look into that this weekend.  The guy I got the car from said to put Armorall on the seals to make them expand a bit.  Is that good advice?   I was also wondering if adjusting the hold-down clamps on the roof might draw the seals together a bit.  Here I am a little concerned about damaging the latches on the windshield.  I would like very much to have details about the group that meets in Florida.  Thanks.

To spiro,

The car looks better from a distance than it does up close.   Lots of door dings.  I will attempt to post a picture soon.

One other thing that works well:
cruise control


I have gotten this little tip for a leaky top from a website and yet to try it.(I do not know if this will be associated in anyway with the leak you are experiencing, but it is nice to know)
"If you are experiencing any wind noise or water leakage from the weather-strip at the top of your windshield header, there is an inexpensive & easy way to remedy it. Go to an auto parts store & buy 5 feet of 3/8" vacuum hose. Lower soft top & lift the leading edge of the windshield header weather-strip (WHWS) & insert the vacuum hose under the gasket. This procedure slightly raises the WHWS to allow for more contact with the top frame & less air/water passage."   (I have that same problem with the leaky side windows, but have other major problems to deal with at this time with the car).

Hey Russ I am looking for parts...could I email you as well?


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