This site, created on October 15, 2002, is devoted to the Ford/Mercury Capri. Since I own a 94 Capri, the larger part of this site will be devoted to 89-94 Capri. Anyone wishing to donate images or information regarding all the years of the Ford/Mercury Capri, please email me at If you wish to get web-space to advertise your Capri and/or wish to help me with the main web-page please email me at If you have anything to add, comment on, or even wish to share a story with me or for use on the website just email me at
This site is a free web service provided by me. All resources are free to read, but are copyrighted to this site or the owners of the items in question. Donations will be accepted through PayPal or by Money Order to help this site remain up, and improve its services to the Capri community. All information contained on the site will be used with expressed permission from the owners. Any images on this site the owner claims is theirs and can be backed up with proof will be taking down unless otherwise state by the owner. At no time will, or its staff, take any responsibility for any information contained within these pages that cause harm to your car or your health. suggest researching the problems and/or the parts before accepting anything found on these pages as the final word. These resources are here as a way to better your car and the fun factor, but you should only work on your car if you have the knowledge and ability to do so. As always, a professional is the best way to get your car fixed and/or have parts installed, and is always recommend in any event.