Tech, Repairs, Upgrades > Capri XR-2 89-94

Gauges and such


Just picked up a 91 xr2 and I'm not sure if I'm having problems or not.  The oil pressure starts off in the upper 1/3rd of the line between high and low and after driving for a number of hours it drops to a smidgin below the low mark.  I am not burning oil nor is it leaking oil.  Is this normal and anything to worry about?
The other problem is when caught in traffic the gauge goes toward the high mark and the fan kicks in, is this normal?
Also can someone tell me where the pcv valve is located on a turbo engine. Thanks

Every gauge on every Capri acts strangely, just part of the owning experience.  The PCV valve is on the rear most part of the valve cover on the passenger side.  When your car sits in traffic, it's always going to get hotter and when it gets hotter the fan turns on, that is also completely normal.

Thanks.  I changed the pcv valve and stripped clean the ground behind the shock tower, hopefully the gauges will read better now.  I'm on the road but when I get to Az I will put in a full set of mechanical gauges.

The gauges will always read wacky. The way the sending units are set up, its more of a good/bad type of reading


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