Tech, Repairs, Upgrades > Brakes/Suspension/Tires/Wheels
Rear caliper rebuild kit
Hi guys, does anyone know if any other cars caliper rebuild kit fit? One of my boots ripped up and now my car constantly leaks. Had a guy tell me use Miata but now it’s ten times worst. I tried looking it up on rock auto but it’ll only get here end of month or next month, so now I’m a bit carless, just want it to run again.
Go to Rockauto, go to brake caliper and click on the caliper part number. It will give you a list of vehicles that share the rebuild kit.
Merry Christmas
PS-if you source locally and get a different kit that is not listed for the Capri, it may not fit. Kits that fit multiple vehicles sometimes have multiple parts that aren't used on every application.
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