Tech, Repairs, Upgrades > Brakes/Suspension/Tires/Wheels
Brake warning light on at all times
on my 93 XR2 with 41k original miles the brake light came on after cardone rebuilt the master cylinder. There is a sensor on bottom of cylinder which I am assuming is the reservoir fluid level switch? If I have someone sitting in driver seat and I manipulate the wire going to this sensor I can get the light to flicker on and off. So Im assuming I have to replace this sensor. I obtained another master cylinder from the junk yard with the sensor attached but I cant seem to figure out how to remove it from the master cylinder housing? Looks like it should just unthread but I cant get it to budge and have started rounding out the edges. Any advise. The brakes work perfectly but that light is annoying...
It's not a sensor AFAIK, it's just a switch. It will activate when there is an imbalance between the two brake circuits, signalling a fault. In my experience though just bleeding the brakes will move the pin and close the switch, causing the light to remain on. I have not checked the FSM to see if there is a procedure to re center the pin, I think i've just unplugged the switch
Thanks for that. Ill try unplugging it tonight and see what happens
Interesting. Mine came on after bleeding brakes. Pulled ebrake up and had forgotten to reconnect. Thought that switch got stuck in but was fine... brakes seem OK but light is always on.... idk if there's a real problem or not... thought maybe my master cylinder was going out.
I forgot to update that unplugging the sensor on bottom of master cylinder succeeded in turning off the perma brake light. It still comes on when parking brake is applied which makes me happy. No more red light on all the time.
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