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coil spring rubber insulators


Hi All
I know that the issue of coil spring insulators has been spoken off in the past.
But that was several years ago.
Are they still available and if so from where.
At the moment I have a short length of reinforced garden hose which I have split along its length and slipped on to the last coil of the bottom spring. I hold it in place with a couple of cable ties.
But I have only the old worn-out rubber on the top of the coil spring.
Any info as to how you have got around this problem would be greatly appreciated.


Hey so I know you posted this months ago, but I also just ran into this problem so I figured I'd add my $0.02.

When I ordered my struts, mounts, and boot kits, I totally forgot about the spring insulators. Whoops. So yeah, I had just what was left of my 32 year old rubber insulators to work with when I reassembled the new struts. The first thing I did was push them as deeply into the space they are meant to go as possible, mostly to try and squeeze all the frayed and ripped bits to a spot that'd have them under the spring. Then I soaked them all down with a ton of silicone spray (get it at the parts store in a can), which I've found works pretty well to re-condition old plastic and (to a lesser extent) rubber. I also used small amounts of spray on gasket-stick type stuff when I was compressing the springs, to help me shove the rubber bits into a good spot. All in all it's pretty ugly, but I do have no metal-on-metal contact above or below any of my 4 springs. Mission sort of accomplished?

Then I did some google-fu and came across this:

Haven't tried to order anything yet so no idea if you can actually get your hands on these, but it seems to be precisely what we need. I was going to wait until I ordered a set of H&R springs to figure out what part numbers we would need, but I do have all my old struts and mounts easily available at the moment. I could probably figure out which would work best just with that stuff, if you want.

Sway bar bushings from them also kinda work.


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