General > Capri Meets
18th Annual MACG Mid-America Capri Gathering
June 29th 2019 at Car Show in Two Rivers, WI
To register, do it by 6/8/2019 at: REGISTER.MACG.2019@GMAIL.COM
Terri says: Send name, year of car, NA or XR2, number of people attending and if this is your first time attending the MACG. Registration fee is $30. 1 T-shirt is included with registration. Include size. Additional shirts are $15. Something a little different this year. No need to send me money before hand. Will take payment when I sign you in either Friday or Saturday. If someone absolutely wants to pay ahead include that with your info and we will figure it out. Since the meet is June 29th, will take registrations until June 8th, but prefer that you register ASAP. If you order a shirt(s) and do not make the meet will take payment for the shirt and mail to you.
This looks like an awesome thing that I would love to go to, however I graduate that day... Hope everyone that goes has a good time and posts lots of pictures
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