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Author Topic: Capri Gathering after thoughts.  (Read 3293 times)


  • Old-Timer
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Capri Gathering after thoughts.
« on: August 15, 2011, 05:05:00 AM »

A Cooridinators thoughts

Here if a few of my thoughts on this years gathering.  As I sit here two days removed and after 10 hours of sleep last night, and a nap today, I can relax for a moment.

I was so stoked to see everyone there.  I am so glad new people ventured out to join us, and for those regulars, It was good to see you again.

I really would of enjoyed getting the time to spend with each of you this year, but I was kinda busy, and my mind just wasn't with me.  (It packed up on wednesday, moved out on thursday, and it is slowly coming back.)

As I reflect, I enjoyed myself, and even though I was so stressed out, and may of said differently in the heat of the day, I enjoyed it and am glad I did it.  

Cheryl and Thea were invaluable to me.  If not for those two, i would of been a stark raving lunitic asshole.  I can't express my gratitude enough.  And I say this confidently that if they not been there to help, I really don't think anyone would of enjoyed themselves.  They deserve most of the credit.

I can't tell you all how cool it is to see all of these cars parked together.  There is just something about it.  I do know one thing, it seems as if no 3 cars look the same.  If you go to anyother car specific gathering, and it looks so paper cutter.  All the cars look exactly the same, some may have different wheels, but for the most part, all alike.  NOT in the Capri community.  Everyone seems to have done something to theirs to make it their own.  From rims, bubble top, seats..and a full blown modification like a 1.8L AWD conversion with the big brakes.  You just feel like each car is completely differrent from the one sitting next to it.  Which makes it stimulating to your mind. (and for some, your neather regions)I know alot of great ideas were born at the gatherings.

A few things I learned.

1.  CATERING!!!!!!!
2.  Make sure Cheryl and Thea are coming          
3.  Have T-Shirt design finalized in April !!!
4.  CATERING !!!!!!
5.  Make sure Thea and Cheryl are coming          
6.  CATERING ha ha ha ha ha
7.  Oakdale is a great place, and served us well.  It was so picturesqe and tranquill,  set apart from anybody else and any whiners that may of complained about our noise.
8.  Demand that people read the map provided and do not stray from it's path. Hey folks; If the gathering is in Freeport, do not drive to Rockford.  It was like watching lemmings, one made a wrong turn and everyone followed them off the cliff.  ha ha ha ha ha.  (Russ's car might not of exploded.)  ha ha
9.  Hooking up with cruise night WAS a great idea.  If the rain had not come in, it really would of been awesome.  Some didn't venture far, but there was a great assortment of cool steel to look at.  Maybe get spots early to park in the main section.  Also there was a new cooridinator for the event, and experience is the best teacher, next years will be even better.
10.  Find a parking supervisor.  (it takes better pictures if everyone is lined up nice and neat.
11.  Did I mention to make sure Thea and Cheryl were coming, and Rocky too.
12.  Don't venture far from your car while wearing yellow pants with red shirt, and; yellow and red socks, watch, shoes and hat.  
     You get the strangest looks, but it does help others in the group to find you in a crowd.
13.  Take more pictures.
14.  I might entertain the idea of doing another one someday.
15.  Don't forget to thank everybody for their help cleaning up.
16.  Maybe don't schedule a Block Party a day after the Capri Gathering.
17.  Remind people earlier about sending items for the B.O.C..  This years Bag-O-Crap was outstanding.  Now imagine if more people were to send trinkets in, it would be most awesome.
       $50 can buy you alot of appreciation from those who come to gather.   Even if you don't plan on coming, sending stuff to help the advancement of Capri gatherings, and Capri recgonizition is an excellent thing to do.
18.  Door Prizes.
19.  Don't get many trophys for 92 models.  
20.  Get throphys for those who didn't get a throphy.  ha ha ha
21.  Try again to get everyone to start a letter writing campaign to the Ford motor company.  If enough people write them, maybe they will make a presense known.  (I can imagine a couple big ford semi-trucks with a display and us taking over a majority of a lot)  
     Not asking for money, just a presense.  Maybe have a semi-form letter writen for the thousands of our group members to send in)
22.  Find out if everyone would like to invite "The Other Capri's" to next years gathering?  Maybe Ford would get behind that?  (11th Annual Mid-America Capri Gathering....and....1st Annual All Capri Meet?)
Mid-America Capri Gathering Founder/Team Capri Moderator

1994 Mercury Capri made in AUSTRALIA
AUSTRALIAN Cattle dog/brittney mix
Is anyone else sensing a pattern?